Friday, August 27, 2010

My First Classroom

Today I had the pleasure of setting up my very first classroom (see pictures below). There was a water problem so I got a new floor on half of the room. However nice this new floor may be, it also made things really dusty in my room. So my afternoon was filled with taking down old stuff on the walls and cleaning stuff off.

I'm very pleased with how everything looks when all is said and done though. I have a nice big space and very nice class sizes (I'm told the biggest class I will have is 15 students). What I'm very excited for is tomorrow because finally we meet as a department so I can get some much needed questions answered!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thus begins the Process

After being here only two full days (today is my third full day and it is only 11 a.m. as I type this), I feel incredibly adjusted already. The jet lag is still kind of an issue because every night so far I have hit about 5 p.m. and been VERY ready for bed. However, I've been fighting it by staying up until at least 10 p.m. so it's getting better.

My first impressions of Taichung are very positive. The city is large and of course, Asian in nature, but I like it thus far. The teachers who have lived here before have been showing us new kids around and Taichung even has a Little Europe section where you can go to bars that look a little like those in the States. I've made a trip to the French equivalent of Walmart (Carefour) and could even find somewhat regular things there. Of course there were some not-so-regular things there as well, but who really cares about that!

The school is starting to feel more and more comfortable to me as well. Both in living and working here I think I'l be very happy. Today is only the second day of meetings so I haven't even had a chance to sit down with my department head yet and really plan but I know that I'll get there, I just have to be patient. As of right now it's just policies and procedures but the fun stuff is coming.

They're working on my classroom right now (new floor because the ceiling leaked over the perhaps a patch in the roof too???) but soon I'll get in there and start organizing and setting up. I'll post a picture as soon as that happens!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Finally in Asia!

Well, I made it. I thought I wouldn't there for a while, but 24 hours of continuous travel and one really crappy night of sleep later, I write to you from Taichung, Taiwan. I had a little scare there for a moment just now because when I opened up my blog, everything but my own posts was in Mandarin. Luckily, I found a backdoor into "Taiwan or Bust" and can still write to you from Asia.

Sunday/Monday was a very long few days for me seeing as how I spent the entirety of them both in airports and flying. I don't have much to complain about though because almost everything went really well. We got into Taipei around 10 p.m. on Monday and still had to take an hour and a half bus ride to Taichung. As soon as we pulled into the city, it was pouring which made it difficult to get all of my bags to the school safely.

Once here though, I was greeted by many of my co-workers and a boss(I think?) which was really nice. They helped me settle into my room and today we have a few meetings and some orientation to get out of the way.

Thus far, everything has gone very well so stay tuned for the inevitable issues I'll have at some point in time!

Here are some pictures I took of my apartment:
This is the second room that I have. It is attached to both the hallway and my bathroom for fire safety purposes. As you can see I have a couch, tv, kitchenette, and around the corner where you can't see is a fridge/freezer and a hotplate.

This is the view from my bathroom window. I believe it is the traditional Taiwanese school we share some grounds with.
This is my bathroom. Don't worry, I have three faucets, three showers, and three toilets in case I break one or just want to rotate.
My bedroom finally. Most teachers push their two twin beds together to create a King so I thought I'd do the same. That door you see is the one that leads into my bathroom. Also, all of those closets are mine, plus one you can't see because it's behind the camera. I may not have enough space...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Eve of Departure

Tomorrow is the day I leave. I had dinner with my sisters, grandparents, and of course parents tonight. Pork and dumplings for the last meal which is appropriately Czech.

I have all three bags packed and I'm crossing my fingers that none of them are over 50 lbs. But I guess we won't know until tomorrow at MSP. The next post I have time to write will come to you from Taiwan. Wish me luck!

Countdown to D-Day: 0 days.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Hate Goodbyes....

Today is Thursday, three days before I leave. I still cannot wrap my head around the concept of moving to Asia yet but I obviously know it's coming (and quickly).

In this last week, I've been trying to fit a lot of things in that I'll surely miss while living on a different continent; a pseudo bucket-list but without the inevitable death at the end. I've been playing with my dog a lot, enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells of my house, and partaking in some last minutes activities. Like yesterday when my brother, Mike, and I spent the whole day at the zoo. It was awesome because I forgot how much I enjoy animals and I got Dippin' Dots out of the deal...and it was fun to act like a kid again.

After the fun we had at the zoo however, it was time to say goodbye to my one and only brother. It was odd because I'll be back for Christmas so it feels weird to make a dramatic event of it. With that in mind however, it's still really sad/confusing to watch him drive away and know that the next time I see him, there will be snow on the ground in Minnesota and I'll be four months into my year-long contract in Taiwan.

How much is going to change in that time? My guess: a lot.

Count down to D-Day: 3 days

Monday, August 16, 2010

I can drive in Taiwan...maybe

Today I got my international drivers license; it took about 5 minutes and only cost $15 at AAA. Who knew that it was that easy to get a document saying you can drive in any country you want??? (With a few exceptions I'm told)

Count down to D-Day: 6 days

Saturday, August 14, 2010

One week till D-Day

As I type this, I am sitting on my front porch in Jordan, MN, USA. It is Saturday, August 14th and I leave a week from tomorrow. I have recently purchased 2 large suitcases from Macy's, shipped five flat-rate boxes from the Post Office, and have made countless trips to Target already. All in preparation for what I hope to be an amazing first-year teaching experience.

With only a week left in the States, all there is left to do is pack and repack my bags over and over again and, I guess, see family and friends for the last time- till Christmas break that is, I'm not dying.

I don't think Asia knows what's about to hit them!